Terrific article in today's (051607) Wall St. Journal. by Bernard Lewis expert on Muslim culture and retired Prof. from Princeton. U.
He points out how Osama bin Laden and his followers had written years ago that the two obstacles to a world Muslim state were the Soviet Union- who they feared for their quick retribution if attacked by Muslims - and the weaker of the two, the U.S.
They viewed the fall of the USSR as their victory - not the free world's-Stage one removal of the infidels - the first and hardest Jihad work for their plan for world domination.
The U.S. was viewed as Stage two - taking it to the enemy- as the easy part based upon the non retaliation, angry threats w/o effective action, hand wringing or offers of aid to those that hit or threatened the U.S. (1979 Tehran hostage crisis, 83 bomb attack on Marines in Lebanon, NY trade center and Mogadishu attacks in 93, Riyadh 95, Kenya & Tanzania embassies in 98, U.S.S. Cole in Yemen in 2000).
They were surprised by the counterattack of the Bush administration in Afghanistan and Iraq. But now, due to the unrelenting negative main stream press coverage and the Democrats rush to Cut and Run, they are convinced they were right in the first place..... America is a pushover.
I have been using this quote that I have discovered was attributed to Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War that to me perfectly sums up the Finegold/Murtha/Kennedy/Pelosi/Reid anti-American, anti-freedom blather and their "defeat at any cost" utterances:
"Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged." - Though Lincoln did not say it, it still fits.... as J. Michael Waller, "Democrats Usher in An Age of Treason." Insight magazine, 23 Dec. 2003 used it as an introductory quote.
I have been using this quote that I have discovered was attributed to Abraham Lincoln during the Civil War that to me perfectly sums up the Finegold/Murtha/Kennedy/Pelosi/Reid anti-American, anti-freedom blather and their "defeat at any cost" utterances:
"Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damage morale and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, exiled, or hanged." - Though Lincoln did not say it, it still fits.... as J. Michael Waller, "Democrats Usher in An Age of Treason." Insight magazine, 23 Dec. 2003 used it as an introductory quote.