Monday, August 18, 2008

OBAMA: Plays the Liberal race card against Justice Thomas

This article in today's (Aug 18,08) Wall St. Journal opinion page puts a light on Obama's far Left bias against anyone who is a Conservative- in this case Assoc. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He's bought and sold the line that anyone who is a conservative is obviously 'dumb' since they disagree with their dogma.
When asked last Saturday night at the debate which Supreme court judge they would not have nominated, Obama's reply was Clarence Thomas- not "strong enough jurist or legal thinker " he also named Scalia and Roberts but at least they were smart enough for the job. Thomas is dumb because he is a Conservative or because he is Black or both... Obama?
My take: the whole racial preferences AKA "affirmative action" (the PC version)- is based on liberalthink that Black people are not smart enough to compete with other races so they need racial preference legislation. This is pure BS wrapped up in judicial manure wagons and rulings. Base job hiring, contracts, school entrance on merit not skin color and all can and will compete on a level playing field. Racial preferences have undermined fully earned accomplishments of "minorities" - to me the term itself sets up the victimhood mentality.
Example: you have a life/death operation on yourself or your child/loved one. You need to chose between three "highly educated and qualified surgeons" with comparable experience to do the delicate surgery- An Asian, an African-American and a Caucasian. Which do you choose?
Democrats have been using the dumb label on all Republican Presidential candidates and Presidents for over a hundred years. Reagan was bombarded with dumb jokes for 8 years and Pres. Bush, even though his grades were higher than Sen. Kerry at Yale and ALGORE dropped out of divinity school while Bush earned an MBA from Harvard, has had this same tired label hung on him for the last 10 years.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Olympians on Pres. Bush

I guess not ALL Amercians hate our President.... "The President Is Watching, It's Time To Step It Up" U.S. Olympians Comment On President Bush's Robust Support Of Their Efforts "The Olympics] exceeded my expectations. ... I think the highlight was getting my picture taken with the teams. ... They were so gracious, and grateful, and excited. It's just a very energetic feeling. You know, they represent the best of U.S. athletics. And they were really excited about their events, and they're full of hope. It was just a very uplifting experience." – President George W. Bush, 8/11/08 "For Our President To Come To Watch Us Play The Game ... Makes It Even More Significant" Michael Phelps (Swimming): "Afterwards, I looked up and saw President Bush giving me the thumbs-up and holding the American flag." "That was pretty cool." (Simon Barnes, "Phelps Proves He Is In A World Of His Own, Times Online [ UK ], 8/11/08) Kobe Bryant (Basketball): "For our president to come to watch us play the game and try to bring back the gold medal makes it even more significant." "This means the entire country is rallying around this kind of road to redemption theme that we have." ("Bush Looking To Instill Patriotism In NBA Hoopsters," Agence France-Presse, 8/7/08) Larsen Jensen (Swimming): "The President is watching, it's time to step it up." "There is no greater honor as an athlete to compete in front of the President." (Aimee Berg, "Olympic Notebook #1 – Presidential Visits," TeamUSA Blog, 8/10/08) Sylvia Fowles (Basketball): "[T]hat our President was out here was good ... Now I feel like an Olympian." (Doug Feinberg, "President Bush Watches US Rout Czech In Opener," The Associated Press, 8/10/08) LeBron James (Basketball): "It's not every day you get to play in front of a president and a king." (Jeff Duncan, "Star-Studded Audience Sees U.S. Women Cruise," The Times-Picayune [LA], 8/10/08) Dwyane Wade (Basketball): "We get support of our president. That means a lot. That means a lot of people ... back home want us to succeed." "So we have to go out there and play like we're representing the US of A. If we do that ... we'll win it." (Paul Alexander, "Bush Gives Pep Talks To US Olympians In Beijing ," The Associated Press) Lisa Leslie (Basketball): "It was awesome." "It's an honor that he came out and watched us perform and that he is a fan of the women's basketball." (Doug Feinberg, "President Bush Watches US Rout Czech In Opener," The Associated Press, 8/10/08) Chris Bosh (Basketball): "It was just a thrill to have the leader of our country there." "It was pretty patriotic for us and for the citizens all across the world who are United States citizens." (Parke Brewer, "US Men's Olympic Basketball Team Beats China ," Voice Of America , 8/10/08)

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Alexander Solzhenitsyn 1978 calling OBAMA in 2008

Those who do not know history........

Notable & QuotableAugust 5, 2008; Page A19 WALL ST. JOURNAL

Alexander Solzhenitsyn speaking at Harvard in 1978:

Very well-known representatives of your society, such as George Kennan, say: We cannot apply moral criteria to politics. Thus we mix good and evil, right and wrong and make space for the absolute triumph of absolute Evil in the world. On the contrary, only moral criteria can help the West against communism's well-planned world strategy. There are no other criteria. . . .

In spite of the abundance of information, or maybe because of it, the West has difficulties in understanding reality such as it is. There have been naive predictions by some American experts who believed that Angola would become the Soviet Union's Vietnam or that Cuban expeditions in Africa would best be stopped by special U.S. courtesy to Cuba. Kennan's advice to his own country -- to begin unilateral disarmament -- belongs to the same category. If you only knew how the youngest of the Moscow Old Square officials laugh at your political wizards! As to Fidel Castro, he frankly scorns the United States, sending his troops to distant adventures from his country right next to yours.

However, the most cruel mistake occurred with the failure to understand the Vietnam war. Some people sincerely wanted all wars to stop just as soon as possible; others believed that there should be room for national, or communist, self-determination in Vietnam, or in Cambodia, as we see today with particular clarity.

But members of the U.S. antiwar movement wound up being involved in the betrayal of Far Eastern nations, in a genocide and in the suffering today imposed on 30 million people there. Do those convinced pacifists hear the moans coming from there? Do they understand their responsibility today? Or do they prefer not to hear? The American Intelligentsia lost its [nerve] and as a consequence thereof danger has come much closer to the United States.

But there is no awareness of this. Your shortsighted politicians who signed the hasty Vietnam capitulation seemingly gave America a carefree breathing pause; however, a hundredfold Vietnam now looms over you. That small Vietnam had been a warning and an occasion to mobilize the nation's courage. But if a full-fledged America suffered a real defeat from a small communist half-country, how can the West hope to stand firm in the future?

See all of today's editorials and op-eds, plus video commentary, on Opinion Journal.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

12 ways the Dems will not lower gas prices

Harry and Nancy -that New Direction?Retreat,
appease, surrender- but for one accomplishment - raise the minimum wage!
The inconvenient Hippo-crit ALGORE & Lord Obama
Ever notice when far Left Dems, Libs, and "progressives" have a solution to a proplem- in this case the supply and demand imbalance that is causing high gas prices- they come up with a program that takes at least 500 words, filled with the lastest buzz words to explain, usually is a recycle of FDR, Harry Hopkins, Harry Truman long shots and doesn't actually address the core problem? Here's an article that points that out perfectly.
The Republicans are backing, "Drill here, Drill now, Pay Less".
Sounds like a plan - as opposed to a tap dance.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bush has MBA Pelosi has only BS

Ann Coulter's latest article is a screamer. The accepted wisdom from the Left is that Pres. Bush is dumb. They've been shouting that since 2000. Yet his grades at Yale were better than John Kerry's (who served nearly 3 months in Vietnam) ALGORE, who dropped out of Divinity School- figured he was better than God anyway would be my guess, and Nancy Pelosi who has proven herself to be one of the dumbest, least effective "leaders" in Congress ( and I use the term way too loosely) so who is the dumb one?

The Dems mantra, "If you drill for oil now it will be seven years before it reaches the pump!" Which besides being untrue, was obviously the reason they decided not to go to college. "If you start now it could be four or five years before you Graduate!!!" Read Obama's take on energy or watch his Campaign ads and you have to think, "OK ... Nancy Pelosi is Obama Dumber?" or the other way 'round" Obama is Bill Clinton without the class....Oh wait he had no class....without the ability to lie so convincingly.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The only Domestic Drilling Democrats will support

This was a good chuckle. You can click on the cartoon to enlarge it. From Human Events weekly newspaper.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

George Will on surprising crime statistics

George Will does his homework. This article is the first I've seen that explains some of the reasons incarceration of Blacks is so high, the oft quoted "there are more black men in jail than in college" is false। Yes, it is simply not true -even if Obama says it over and over on the stump- 'taint so MON!
FACTS are nice to have once in awhile instead of FEELINGS.

Will drags out the NY Times headlines "Crime is down, but prison population up" DUH? This type of headline appears all the time in liberal leaning newspapers. The fact that black men kill black men at a much higher homicide rate than any other race is never mentioned in the press- but the FACTS bear that out also.

Baracks ACORN sucks up tax dollars and indictments

Barack Obama: ACORN ball from Chicago Michelle Malkin

Michelle Malkin was here at UW-Madison last on April 4 08 thanks to the College Republicans (CR) hosting the Wisconsin convention of CR's. Believe it or not, the UW-Madison has the largest group in the state.

Her article covers ACORN, the group that Barack Obama in his first book, Dreams From my Father only ID ed his Chicago work in the 82-84 time frame as 'community organizer" without ID ing ACORN.
This group is in fact a notorious arm - make that armpit- of the Democrat party with dirty election practices standard fare. Chicago: Where even the Dead vote Twice. ACORN lives the slogan. This is where Obama got his groove and grease.

What should anger many conservative Democrats- all eleven of them (I can only name 3 off the top of my head.. Joe Liebermann, and ah.....OK , only one) - Independent voters, Republicans, Conservatives and Libertarians- (screw the Naderites, Greenies and Code pinkos) is the flat out cheating and throwing elections paid for with their own taxes to ACORN balls.

Rich Lowry on Its tuff being a senator

Rich Lowry's tongue in cheek article on June 23 08 is a hoot. Not one, but two (so far) Democrat Senators have been caught with their greedy little hands in the till via sweet heart mortgage loans from Country Wide. Even though they are on the Senate Banking Committee (Dodd) and Budget Committee (Conrad) they claim ignorance of getting 'special VIP" personal loans even though they regulate deal with the industry almost daily.
We are supposed to believe they are too stupid to see a bribe that saves them thousands of dollars from the industry they already receive massive amounts of money come election time- or any other time for that matter.
Note also the lack of coverage in the MSM. If this were Republican Senators it would be fodder on late night TV comedians and nightly news casts for at least a week. Was it even covered on network or Cable TV newscasts? I can't tell you- been out of the loop crossing the mighty Lake Michigan on the SS Badger last week. Have a dollar that says it wasn't mentioned on ABC, NBC, CBS, MSNBC or CNN or.......

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thank you President Bush for all you have done and for protecting us so well since 9/11/01

President Bush has many good reasons to smile. He's freed 50 million people, taken down the Islamofascist terrorist organization and prevented another 9/11/01 attack in America. Compare to President Clinton's legacy- "it depends on what your definition of 'is' is"
Today's (June 12 08) Ann Coulter Column contains these classic caustic Coulterisms:
"The sheer repetition of lies about Bush is wearing people down. There is not a liberal in this country worthy of kissing Bush's rear end, but the weakest members of the herd run from Bush. Compared to the lickspittles denying and attacking him, Bush is a moral giant -- if that's not damning with faint praise. John McCain should be so lucky as to be running for Bush's third term. Then he might have a chance. "
And Obama is running for Jimmy ( I can't find it with both hands) Carter's second term!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Why we went to war in Iraq -An Arab scholar's view

Fouad Ajami - Prof. Johns Hopkins Uninversity

Great article in the Wall ST. Journal sent on to me by my friend Wendy, also a colleague and member of VOTE NO TO CUT AND RUN- a group we formed in 2006 to remind Wisconsin to support the troops, you support their mission.

The author is an Arab scholar, FOUAD AJAMI and he eloquently reminds us of the acommplishments and vast changes in the War against the terrorist who struck us on 9/11/01 and the changes for the good in the world because of it.
One of his many good points: Now that the war is going so well with far fewer deaths, better command and control in country, better, stronger Iraqi army, police and government in general the press is no longer interested.
So like Scot McClellan the press rat, let's look now from the point of view of hindsight and keep the Blame Bush machine running by hammering away on the beginning of the war and the many reasons it was called for!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Coulter: If we could talk to the Animals

Just read Ann Coulter's lastest column as usual, she is on the mark and actually ID the Sen. in '39' who actually said" If only I could have talked to Hitler..." As Ayn Rand said in Atlas Shrugged "when Good compromises with Evil only Evil wins" or words to that effect. Obama has stated he will talk with any leader with no preconditions and has been held to that statement.

I heard all the news clips of Pelosi, Reid, and 5 or six more leading Dems reacting to the Pres. at the Knesset speech about the failure of apeasement. They all used exactly the same words in the same order.

They can't even re=phrase their talking points- pathetic.

Pelosi went into Syria 6 months ago and bad mouthed the USA, but the president can not mention the failure of British appeasement at Munich to a country surrounded by enemies sworn to wipe them off the earth?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

OBAMA and the Jews. I know what's best for you.

Great article in Today's (5/20/08) Wall Street Journal. Obama knows what is best for the Jews in Israel. The guy is either arrogant beyond help or more likely, just naive and uninformed.
Suggestion: Go back to your "Change and hopping for Change and Changing for Hope" mantra.
Whenever he tries to make a statesman-like comment he only tastes his own shoe leather.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Michelle on Michelle Baracks Bitter Half

Michelle Malkin like David Horowitz, needs to travel with a body guard to keep all the Left Wingnuts from attacking her. She did this article on Michelle Barack and her whining about how tough it is to be an American these days. Let's see... both she and Barack went to the finest schools, Princeton and Harvard Law. Both came from simple, and low income backgrounds - She from S. Chicago, Barack from Hawaii-and yet somehow managed to attend the finest colleges in the Nation.
How did they accomplish that? Was it by sitting back and complaining about how tough it is in America or by setting high goals for themselves and doing everything they could to succeed? Hmmmmm. That's a tough one.

Both are making big bucks- She gets over $350,000 a year in a job she got after Barack became a Senator, he limps along on his Senate Salary and the royalties from his books, they own a 1.6 Million Dollar house- your typical black family living from pay check to pay check.
Pull- Lees...Rich people complaining about how tough things are should shut their pie hole and learn better manners.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The foolishness of corn for fuel

WE are in "The new Dark Ages" Part I

This article, "Food fuel No Laughing matter" shows the effect that conversion of food into fuel is causing world wide. The old saw about the press and their emphasis on class warfare- "World to end, minorities and poor to suffer most" or a similar quote is used here to demonstrate that the sudden price increase in grains, basic ingredients due to conversion to Biofuel is real and hitting the poor first and hardest.

Even the Republicans in the SENATE have asked that the tax subsidized ethanol conversion be slowed to ease price pressure on Corn- which shot up to $6 a bushel in April of 08.

Personal take: this tax boondoggle subsidy of 51 cents a gallon for Ethanol will go down in history as one of the dumbest "the sky is falling" programs ever legislated by the Democrats- with many weak-kneed Republicans falling in line.

It will be eclipsed only by the panic stricken Church of Global Warming cult believers and their turning free economies into Soviet style 5 year plans shown to be so successful in starving millions in the old USSR and China- or any Socialist country for that matter. N. Korea, Cuba etc.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Ann Coulter Not the Wright stuff

Ann Coulter's column
on Obama's ongoing problems with the Rev Jeremiah Wright is entertaining for us and a fright for him. 'Course he was married by the Rev. Wright, baptised his daughters there and has been a member of the congregation for 20 years, gave the church $20 K last year... but is just now cognisant of the racist hatred he's been preaching all these years. Must be a sound church sleeper!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Real Joe McCarthy- Same old Same old take on Joe

An article in Wall Street Journal by Ronald Kessler on April 22, 08 entitled, "The Real Joe McCarthy" is quite amazing in its total disregard for facts that are now fully documented about McCarthy. All the old liberal historian's and left wing politician's smears against McCarthy are recited by Kessler. It is embarrassingly obvious Kessler never read or even opened M. Stanton's 2007 Book , Blacklisted by History-the untold story of Sen. Joe McCarthy" let alone Arthur Herman's evenhanded "Joseph McCarthy: Reexamining the Life and Legacy of America's most Hated Senator" 2000 or Ann Coulter's very meticulous and footnoted chapters on McCarthy in her book, "Treason" of 2003. The first 100 pages of Coulter's book addresses the Cold War, McCarthy and the "red scare" Alger Hiss etc. Several books on the Venona Cables were written in the 90's as well as articles and books by former KGB officials that were running spies in this country during that time.

Though Kessler sites the Venona cables it is also obvious he didn't read the documentation that nailed many of the spies- including Hiss- that McCarthy was simply trying to get the State Department and the Army to investigate. Kessler mentions McCarthy's Executive sessions in which he gave people the oportunity to testify freely without their names being revealed. A huge number of people who testified in Exec session were never called into open session and never suffered damage to their reputations. Kessler missed that point also.

Even the Army McCarthy hearings were turned into an investigation of McCarthy while minimizing the solid evidence of the Army being heavy with spies. The Rosenbergs got much of their materials from the Army researchers after all.

Amazing that in this day with all of the new books and documentation through Venona, the writings, books and testimony of former KGB operatives of spies in the State Department, Treasury, and Army the many people will not accept any change in the McCarthy as a wrong headed bully- even if the facts supported his asking for investigations of obvious spies.

Read Dreams from my Father by Obama

Finished Obama's first book, "Dreams from my Father" 1995, new version edition 2004 which includes his nomination speech for Sen. Kerry at the Democrat convention. After reading Ann Coulter's review of it I decided to read it for myself- she was right!
Overall view: He writes better than I thought he would. He reveals little about himself and less about his white mother and grandmother and a lot about his failed white Grandfather and his equally inept, irresponsible and absentee father. Regardless of his Kenyan Father and Grandfather's failures that part of the book is the best.
He was raised as a white kid in Hawaii for the most part by his white grandparents. His grandmother worked his grandfather mostly laid around the house. His mother divorced his father after he left them in Hawaii after he got his degree. Only later do we discover his father had a wife and family in Kenya. His mom married a man from Indonesia and Obama and mom lived there where he attended a Madras school. She divorced him and dumped Obama with her parents back in Hawaii.
His dad married and deserted two more women and their families- one white, another Kenyan and spent most of his life as a drunk.
The mystery of this book to me is how Obama got into the most prestigious prep school in Hawaii, how his grandparents and mother managed to pay for the tuition at an expensive and tony private school Occidental College in L.A. or how he could afford to attend Harvard Law School later. Never a mention about how this was managed financially. Why?

Monday, April 21, 2008

Hamas Endorses Obama Obama OK with Jimmy Carter's Wreath laying for Yasser Arafat

From a Republican McCain for President source:
"Last Wednesday's Democratic debate (4/16/08) provided insight into Barack Obama's positions on key foreign policy issues. As president he says he would immediately withdraw our troops from Iraq- even if he were strongly advised against this by our nation's top military commanders.

He would also hold direct talks with the Iranian regime- a regime that does not recognize Israel and is the largest state sponsor of terrorism in the world. Iran's president has even called for Israel to be "wiped off the map."

During the debate, Barack Obama once again refused to condemn former President Jimmy Carter- who publicly supports Obama- for holding talks with the Hamas terrorist group, a group supported financially, politically and militarily by Iran.

Barack Obama's foreign policy plans have even won him praise from Hamas leaders. Ahmed Yousef, chief political adviser to the Hamas Prime Minister said, "We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election. He has a vision to change America."

We need change in America, but not the kind of change that wins kind words from Hamas, surrenders in Iraq and will hold unconditional talks with Iranian President Ahmadinejad. "

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama: Just another arrogant Liberal without the polish of ....Hillary?

This article by John Fund (Wall ST. Journal) points out the many arrogant remarks by Barack Obama. I went to the library and got a copy of Obama's first autobiograhphical book, Dreams from my Father 1995 reissued in 2004.
He is not a bad writer. He was just as arrogant in 1995. I got the book after reading Ann Coulter's "review" of his book. So far she has been accurate in her assessment. And that assessment is DEADLY.

Full disclosure: I'm not a fan of Obama in any way.
As I read his book there is no explanation for how his family was able to afford to get him into the top private prep school in Hawaii, or the money to send him to a private College near Pasadena, CA. Or how they could afford to send him to Harvard Law school. He just skips over the details and spins an admittedly more interesting tale than I thought he would.

In the first 187 pages, (the large print edition was first available, so page 25 pages of regular size type? I keed, i keed) it's all about the odd relationship and manners of his father, orginally from Kenya. He was one of the first Africans to be given scholarhips by U.S. government to attend the U of Hawaii and he was brilliant and driven to succeed.
After graduation he just disappears from his wife and child. Obama has yet to explain anything more than that. Just skips ahead to 'now I am in NYC'. He talks about his white mother, after divorcing his Dad she marries another guy LoLo from Indonesia, then dumps him after having a sister for Obama to, so far ignore then she is off to travel the world...
His white grandparents raised him during upper grades and HS in Hawaii. You don't really have a clue about them as people, other than his Grandpa was (my opinion) a dreamer, a boozer, a failed man and his grandma comes across as the one solid earner and common sense person in the family.
Though now that she is safely dead, Obama tossed her under the bus with his "typical white woman" comment. I read on......

Is Iran about to get payback for all those road side bombs in Iraq

Israel and Syria both running military exercises last week and this. Dick Cheney makes a whirlwind tour of the Middle East. Condi Rice was there recently also.

Is it payback time for all those new more powerful and deadly road side bombs the Iranians have been supplying the Iraqis? Or, for shipping thousands of longer range missiles to Hamas? The article , in a granted, far right magazine suggests it may be ass kicking time in Tehran.

The Israelis hit a suspected Nuke preparation site in Syria a few months ago and they will not sit by and wait to me annihilated by their surrounding neighbors. AH-MA-DIN-AH-Jhad has announced over and over they will destroy Israel. ( I did a blog about this story on Sept 17,07)

The amount of statements by US representatives Military and civilian have been emphasizing the proof of Iran supply bombs, missiles and weapons to all enemies of Israel and the U.S. Will Israel continue to wait to be attacked or will they act? Will they act in coordination with U.S.?

A few hundred well placed smart bombs at Iran's bomb manufacturing sites and their Nuke labs? Then what?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Coulter: Dreams from my Father, Lame Excuses from my Grandfather

Hummada, Hummada! Ann Coulter strikes again. This time about his "typical white person" Grandmother who helped raise him. The muggers managing to get a Columbia U student killed Coulter mentions strikes home in Madison with a Co-ed being murdered last week by persons unknown. This story of Obama's Grandmother- the only one working in the household- getting aggressivly accosted for money at 0630 by a bum at her bus stop who was black teaches Obama a lesson.
A lesson few others would have concluded was the right lesson!
I may have to see if the Library has Obama's autobiography from which she is drawing these columns. (Also pls See April 2 blog below)

Saturday, April 05, 2008

John Fund explains why "Loop hole Louie" lost the Supreme Court Election.The Wall St Jrnal 040508

Hoo-ray for John Fund of the Wall ST. Journal and this article in the 4/5/08 paper! (Wisconsin's Judicial Revolution)
After reading in the Wis. State Journal and soon to be defunct Cap. Times about how "stupid and uninformed" the voters of Wisconsin are for daring to elect a strict constitutional constructionist in Judge Gableman last Tuesday, Mr Fund's article was a breathe of fresh, fact filled and wonderfully truthful air.

The Liberal whining has been deafening in the letters to the editors as well as the editorials calling for "merit" selection of Supreme Court Judges - That "Merit" as defined by trial lawyers and Government appointed "experts" instead of elected by the "dumb voters"- that is anyone who is not a Liberal.

Mr Fund lays out the many examples of "Loophole Louie" trying to legislate new rights for criminals and going for the "deep pocket" paint companies even if you can't prove their product is at fault -pretty much the basis of our judicial system for the last 600 years in England and America.

Justice WAS served by bouncing this hack, Butler out of the Supreme Court.

Next up? Chief Justice Shirley Abramhamson. The trial lawyers, Indian Casino owners, Teacher and Government Unions are shaking down their members now to try to short circuit the voters in that election,
Bye Bye Shirley.....Enjoy your forced retirement!

Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The best man won. GABLEMAN will be the next Supreme Court Judge of Wisconsin

Judge Gableman at a meeting at Blackhawk Country Club in Madison on Veterans Day 07

Even though the Dane County Board of Supervisors remains solid LA La Land Left the good news is we have a new Wisconsin Supreme Court Judge who is a strict Constitutional follower. He has pledged NOT to legislate from the bench. Thomas Jefferson would be appalled that 236 years after becoming the USA a judge would have to run and win by simply stating the obvious.

Coulter: Obama's Dimestore 'Mein Kampf'

Ann Coulter's 4/2/08 Column , "Obama's Dimestore 'Mein Kampf' (My Struggle) is about OBAMA's book , Dreams of my Father. The quotes are quite revealing.
Is the book at the Library? I'll have to check. Can't see laying out cash for it after reading this 'review' His book title, Audacity of Hope he attributes to the Wrong Reverend Wright. Based on this limited exposure he should re-issue this early book as Nightmares from my Father!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The so called Judicial Integrity committee lacks one thing - Integrity

Mr. Bill Judge Gableman Bonnie Bell

Yep. I fully support Judge Gableman for Wisconsin Supreme Court!

This is a letter (third one down) that was accepted at the Wis State Journal last Saturday March 22,08. I had to resubmit it as the editors felt my first effort was too hard on a local retired (Liberal) judge who criticized Judge Gableman (without actually naming him- judges are SO clever). I did re-do it and was happy to get one additional point in favor of Judge Gableman in the letter.

Interesting also that after that letter I noted an editorial piece in the Wall St Journal here that even the Wall St Jouranl mentions 'Loop Hole' Louie Butler has a poor record on the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. Will that wake up voters enough to actually vote on April 1st?

Thursday, March 06, 2008

The gentle, touching humor of Ann Coulter on Hillary's 'comeback'

Ann Coulter's wicked humor just cracks me up. Texas and Ohio fell to Hillary. Can't wait for the Democrats convention in August in Denver. Could make the Chicago 68 convention look like a tea party.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

VOTE in the Primary for LOCAL people in primaries

Letter to the editor Wis St Journal published Sat. 2/16/08 Politics are local. The Presidential primary Tuesday Feb 19 hopefully won’t overshadow the importance to change our local politics by voting out the “progressives” and “Lefties” on the County Board who have a primary also. Over the past two years they have made a concerted effort to crush private property rights with their 22 member majority. The County Board correctly purchased land with your taxes to preserve parklands, but then bought more just to lock out future development, pushed billion dollar trains, trolleys with new sales taxes while Transport 2020 Implementation members freely admitting, “it’s not about transportation, it’s about land use.” Add their 'Free phone calls for Felons' at the county jail, voting against adding Deputies, their push to take over local zoning through the “No Growth” Capitol Area Regional Plan Commission, dictating to the rest of the county housing density and the illegal alien and felons housing protection ordinance - no asking for SS numbers by landlords, no criminal background checks - and you have reasons to vote for someone who recognizes that common sense should trump social utopian experiments. To be fair, the County and Madison are cooperating. Madison is adding police officers and Dane County is adding 200 ankle-bracelet felons fresh from outlying jails for them to catch!

Friday, February 08, 2008

Wall St. Jrnal: Mormons dismayed by Harsh Spotlight

It appears that fat people and Mormons are still considered fair game by the press and a lot of Americans.

My take: All the Mormons I have worked with, played with and been around have been exemplary people. They don't deserve this kind of bigotry from anyone. Good Luck Mitt- you are missed already!
Of course when you ask a Democrat pollster , as they did here, they never miss an opportunity to bash the religious right. (Ever notice, no one ever writes about or quotes the "Agnostic Left or Atheist Left"- Ann Coulter pointed that out about 8 years ago)

WAll ST Jrnal Page 1 TABERNACLE ON TRIAL Mormons Dismayed by Harsh Spotlight By SUZANNE SATALINE February 8, 2008; Page A1
Mitt Romney's campaign for the presidency brought more attention to the Mormon Church than it has had in years. What the church discovered was not heartening.
Critics of its doctrines and culture launched frequent public attacks. Polling data showed that far more Americans say they'd never vote for a Mormon than those who admitted they wouldn't choose a woman or an African-American.
A Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll in late January revealed that 50% of Americans said they would have reservations or be "very uncomfortable" about a Mormon as president. That same poll found that 81% would be "enthusiastic" or "comfortable" with an African-American and 76% with a woman.


Read excerpts from blog posts addressing the recent public interest in Mormons and their doctrines.

The Mormon religion "was the silent factor in a lot of the decision making by evangelicals and others," says Democratic pollster Peter Hart, who conducted the poll. The Romney campaign ran into "a religious bias head wind," Mr. Hart and his Republican polling partner, Bill McInurff, wrote late last month.
"I don't think that any of us had any idea how much anti-Mormon stuff was out there," said Armand Mauss, a Mormon sociologist who has written extensively about church culture, in an interview last week. "The Romney campaign has given the church a wake-up call. There is the equivalent of anti-Semitism still out there."

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Civil rights Act of 1964 and LBJ How Hillary got it wrong

The article in link above and here by Wynton Hall echoes a blog I did about Martin Luther King, Jr below on Jan 15, 08.
I must be smarter than I look!
Mr. Hall is talking about Hillary's attribution of credit to LBJ for getting the 1964 Civil Rights act passed. The reality is a bit more gritty.
I actually saw LBJ several times when performing with the Marine Band in the White House between 1966-70. Whenever he saw a good looking woman he would glide over, ask her to dance and then unleash his "Russian hands and Roman fingers" moves on the dance floor. It made for some interesting counter moves from the lady he was dancing with....

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Getting back to why commuter rail sucks for a large, rural county with only 440,000 people

8/18/08 UPDATE: see Stephen's 'comment' below or go to and sign the petition!
This was my letter to the editor about commuter rail, RTA and the Journal's editorial for 2008. Sat. Jan 19. 2008

Glad transportation included in agenda

Thanks to the State Journal for its 2008 agenda editorial, especially "Steering clear of gridlock."

After reading the Transport 2020 report, the conclusion has to be that it doesn't make sense. The report consultants found that at an "enhanced bus system" spending level, a single bus rider could be added for $1.50, most covered by the rider's fare and the current $4 local and federal tax subsidies. The Transport 2020 plan of keeping the fare the same for commuter trains and buses would kick the tax subsidy up to an estimated $65 per rider -- one way and with fewer riders than the enhanced bus system.

When the Transport 2020 committee, led by and made up mostly of rail advocates, decided to ignore this less expensive bus detour and stay on track for trains and trolleys, they achieved the dubious distinction of national attention for pigheadedness in author Randal O'Toole's 2007 book "The Best-Laid Plans. " (page 171-172)

O'Toole points out that crippling the bus system by turning it into a "train feeder" system and eliminating routes that "compete" with the train artificially forces ridership for trains upward and makes trains an easier sell.

The problem is traffic congestion. The solution is bypassing through traffic around the Isthmus, enhanced bus service and safer high capacity highways.

-- Bill Richardson, Middleton, member,

Boy did I ever get that wrong

Once again, my near perfect record of predicting the outcome of political contests was confirmed: I got it wrong one more time. Not only did Rudi G. not win in Florida as I predicted, (below, last Tuesday) he got his hinder handed to him and now he's out of the race. If you ever need to know who is going to lose a race check with me!

A 41 Cent solution to your rebate problem

After reading our own Wisconsin State Journal’s rebate editorial, those of other papers and all the letters to the editor about the problems exacerbated, and newly-created pitfalls caused by a federal tax rebate- evil corporations underpaying taxes, echoes of the depression, credit card government and the ever present, “it’s Bush’s fault” hand wringing, here’s a simple 41 cent solution for all this anguish: When your check comes in the mail, endorse it, write, “Pay to the order of the U.S. Treasury”, add a stamp and send it back.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

I predict Rudi G will win in FL today

I think Rudi G will win in FL. today. Lots of retired NYC folks there and eastern seaboard also. He has spent a lot of time there and the Mainstream press says its McCain and Mitt. OK, I am hardly every right. But I say Rudi pulls off an upset today.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Hillary Billaries: Democrats smearing Democrats. The VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY

I watched Meet the Press yesterday Jan.27,08. I was falling out my recliner laughing at Maureen Dowd and other NY times types telling how 'Shocked, Schocked, I tell you" they were about the white trash behavior of BillHill and the "first Black President" smearing the first Black Candidate with a solid chance of winnning the presidency.

"They lie, they cheat, they stole from the people's white house, they consort and extort money from criminals, they will do anything to win" No, this is not the Republicans talking about the Clintons throughout the 90's and into the 21st Century- it is now the Democrats!
I posted on my door in 1996 a fake flyer for a new biography about the Clintons that I called "White Trash in the White House" I think the time is right to bring that book out now....

Vast Left-Wing ConspiracyJanuary 25, 2008; Page A14
Wall St Jrnal

The Democratic epiphany about the political tactics of Bill and Hillary Clinton continues, with scales falling from eyes on a daily basis. "I think it's not Presidential," said former Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle, about Mr. Clinton's steady barrage against Barack Obama. "It's not in keeping with the image of a former President, and I'm frankly surprised that he is taking this approach." Mr. Daschle supports Mr. Obama, but how he could be surprised is another matter.

"This is beneath the dignity of a former President. He is not helping anyone, and certainly not helping the Democratic Party," added Vermont Senator Pat Leahy. On the point of "helping" the party, Mr. Leahy seems to have forgotten that the Clinton Presidency was an era of more or less persistent Democratic losses -- except for the Clintons.
Then there's former South Carolina Democratic Party Chairman Dick Harpootlian, who once backed Bill Clinton but this week called his political attacks "reprehensible" and described one of Mrs. Clinton's TV ads about Mr. Obama as "a lie." As Mrs. Clinton likes to say, she's had "16 years" of experience in dealing with this "Republican attack machine."

Saturday, January 26, 2008

NY Times Endorses McCain = Vote for Rudi

She's bright, witty, well educated, funny and gives better than she gets....and beautiful to boot.

Ann Coulter's 1/23/08 take on John McCain for president here and above link.
If the New York Times endorses Hillary and McCain as their two opposing candidates- as they did this last week- you know Rudi must be "the one" since they also added one (not final) brutal shot at 'DaMayor' to underline yet another reason their circulation is going down faster than Monica.

Friday, January 18, 2008

The Few, the Proud, the Marines new recruiting video

Ok, Ok, I admit I am proud I was in the Marine Band in D.C. 1966-1970 and though we were not "leathernecks" (called ourselves "Leatherchops") now after all these years, I do see the uniqueness of the Corps. If the video here and the title above don't give you a chill, you need to check your pulse. Sempre Fi

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Is the Left Losing on UW campus

Tip of the hat to Wendy for emailing me this. The link above and here is to an article by Charlie Sykes about a Political Correct "rat out anyone who offends you" effort by a misguided Dean who seems to be channeling 'La Donna' A.K.A. Donna Shalala the PC queen who managed to repress free speech for students for about 10 years ( and for 17? years for Faculty) with her institution of speech codes. They were struck down 3 times by Federal Judge Shabazz. The last case was the speech code for faculty. He wrote in the next to last judgement that perhaps the law faculty-who were backing the code even after he told them in the first judgement it was unlawful- should "read the constitution and Bill of Rights once in awhile" or something to that effect. These things tend to be horribly one sided in reporting. Example: when the political and physical;y heavy Michael Moore was on campus during the 2004 Presidential race, the college republicans demonstrated against him near the Memorial Union. They had urine thrown on them for daring to confront the monolithic Lefties. They dutifully reported the incident and who they thought had done it to a Dean of students in charge of such incidents. They "investigated" for a couple of days and then let it drop. In this case (Nov 07) Charlie Sykes point out the students just ignored the dumb campaign and then the UW let it drop.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

MLKing Jr and the Civil rights struggle against Democrats

Can we all remember on MLK's upcoming Birthday that he wanted people judged on their merits, not the color of their skin?

That what the Main stream Media and the Dems- same thing- call the "Conscience of the Senate" Sen. Byrd of W. Virgina was a Kleagle in the Ku Klux Klan as late as 1948 and used the N word publicly in the late 70's. (with no repercussions)

That Pres. Clinton's hero and mentor Sen. Fulbright (who, by the way Wis. Sen. Joe McCarthy called"Senator Halfbright") and ALGORE's old Man, Sen. Gore participated in the longest recorded filibuster by Sen. Byrd AGAINST the 64 Civil rights Act and voted they all voted against it?
That what the Hilary Clinton campaign is doing to Obama right now with Pres. Clinton dropping the drug use bomb on Obama is a classic example of putting down "an uppity black" not unlike what the southern Democrats were doing to any black person who wanted to vote or run for office after the Civil war?

Subject: Martin Luther King's struggle was against Democrats

January 15, 2008

On this day in 1901, the Alabama Democratic Party called for a convention to write a new state constitution that would prohibit African-Americans from voting. Despite vocal opposition from Booker T. Washington and other Republican civil rights activists, the Democrat scam succeeded.
Democrats dominated Alabama's 1901 constitutional convention, and its chairman was a Democrat. In his opening address, he said: "If we would have white supremacy, we must establish it by law -- not by force or fraud... The negro is descended from a race lowest in intelligence and moral precepts of all the races of men."

Alabama's African-American citizens would not vote in appreciable numbers again until the 1950s.

It was a Republican federal judge, Frank Johnson, who in 1956 ruled in favor of Rosa Parks and who in 1965 ordered the Democrat governor, George Wallace, to permit Martin Luther King's voting rights march from Selma to Montgomery.

At the 2000 Republican National Convention, Condoleezza Rice said: "The first Republican I knew was my father and he is still the Republican I most admire. He joined our party because the Democrats in Jim Crow Alabama of 1952 would not register him to vote. The Republicans did. My father has never forgotten that day, and neither have I."

Democrats want Americans to forget that Republicans supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act much more than did the Democrats.

Republicans today would benefit tremendously from appreciating the true heritage of our Grand Old Party. This Republican heritage article and others are available on the Grand Old Partisan blog each day celebrating 154 years of Republican heroes and heroics.
Michael Zak is a popular speaker to Republican organizations around the country. His e-mail address is For more information, see