Thursday, May 22, 2008

Coulter: If we could talk to the Animals

Just read Ann Coulter's lastest column as usual, she is on the mark and actually ID the Sen. in '39' who actually said" If only I could have talked to Hitler..." As Ayn Rand said in Atlas Shrugged "when Good compromises with Evil only Evil wins" or words to that effect. Obama has stated he will talk with any leader with no preconditions and has been held to that statement.

I heard all the news clips of Pelosi, Reid, and 5 or six more leading Dems reacting to the Pres. at the Knesset speech about the failure of apeasement. They all used exactly the same words in the same order.

They can't even re=phrase their talking points- pathetic.

Pelosi went into Syria 6 months ago and bad mouthed the USA, but the president can not mention the failure of British appeasement at Munich to a country surrounded by enemies sworn to wipe them off the earth?

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

OBAMA and the Jews. I know what's best for you.

Great article in Today's (5/20/08) Wall Street Journal. Obama knows what is best for the Jews in Israel. The guy is either arrogant beyond help or more likely, just naive and uninformed.
Suggestion: Go back to your "Change and hopping for Change and Changing for Hope" mantra.
Whenever he tries to make a statesman-like comment he only tastes his own shoe leather.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Michelle on Michelle Baracks Bitter Half

Michelle Malkin like David Horowitz, needs to travel with a body guard to keep all the Left Wingnuts from attacking her. She did this article on Michelle Barack and her whining about how tough it is to be an American these days. Let's see... both she and Barack went to the finest schools, Princeton and Harvard Law. Both came from simple, and low income backgrounds - She from S. Chicago, Barack from Hawaii-and yet somehow managed to attend the finest colleges in the Nation.
How did they accomplish that? Was it by sitting back and complaining about how tough it is in America or by setting high goals for themselves and doing everything they could to succeed? Hmmmmm. That's a tough one.

Both are making big bucks- She gets over $350,000 a year in a job she got after Barack became a Senator, he limps along on his Senate Salary and the royalties from his books, they own a 1.6 Million Dollar house- your typical black family living from pay check to pay check.
Pull- Lees...Rich people complaining about how tough things are should shut their pie hole and learn better manners.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

The foolishness of corn for fuel

WE are in "The new Dark Ages" Part I

This article, "Food fuel No Laughing matter" shows the effect that conversion of food into fuel is causing world wide. The old saw about the press and their emphasis on class warfare- "World to end, minorities and poor to suffer most" or a similar quote is used here to demonstrate that the sudden price increase in grains, basic ingredients due to conversion to Biofuel is real and hitting the poor first and hardest.

Even the Republicans in the SENATE have asked that the tax subsidized ethanol conversion be slowed to ease price pressure on Corn- which shot up to $6 a bushel in April of 08.

Personal take: this tax boondoggle subsidy of 51 cents a gallon for Ethanol will go down in history as one of the dumbest "the sky is falling" programs ever legislated by the Democrats- with many weak-kneed Republicans falling in line.

It will be eclipsed only by the panic stricken Church of Global Warming cult believers and their turning free economies into Soviet style 5 year plans shown to be so successful in starving millions in the old USSR and China- or any Socialist country for that matter. N. Korea, Cuba etc.