Sunday, July 20, 2008

CARTOONS from the Right side

Thursday, July 17, 2008

12 ways the Dems will not lower gas prices

Harry and Nancy -that New Direction?Retreat,
appease, surrender- but for one accomplishment - raise the minimum wage!
The inconvenient Hippo-crit ALGORE & Lord Obama
Ever notice when far Left Dems, Libs, and "progressives" have a solution to a proplem- in this case the supply and demand imbalance that is causing high gas prices- they come up with a program that takes at least 500 words, filled with the lastest buzz words to explain, usually is a recycle of FDR, Harry Hopkins, Harry Truman long shots and doesn't actually address the core problem? Here's an article that points that out perfectly.
The Republicans are backing, "Drill here, Drill now, Pay Less".
Sounds like a plan - as opposed to a tap dance.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Bush has MBA Pelosi has only BS

Ann Coulter's latest article is a screamer. The accepted wisdom from the Left is that Pres. Bush is dumb. They've been shouting that since 2000. Yet his grades at Yale were better than John Kerry's (who served nearly 3 months in Vietnam) ALGORE, who dropped out of Divinity School- figured he was better than God anyway would be my guess, and Nancy Pelosi who has proven herself to be one of the dumbest, least effective "leaders" in Congress ( and I use the term way too loosely) so who is the dumb one?

The Dems mantra, "If you drill for oil now it will be seven years before it reaches the pump!" Which besides being untrue, was obviously the reason they decided not to go to college. "If you start now it could be four or five years before you Graduate!!!" Read Obama's take on energy or watch his Campaign ads and you have to think, "OK ... Nancy Pelosi is Obama Dumber?" or the other way 'round" Obama is Bill Clinton without the class....Oh wait he had no class....without the ability to lie so convincingly.