The PEEDEES (Progressive Dane) want a policy of "book 'em Dano" and push 'em out the back door. (See link above) Dane not-so-Super Sheila Stubbs wants our criminals 'treated like guests!'
Sherriff: "OK, all you in cell block 9, you'll be doing sleep overs at Sheila's house for the next 14 months."
From Ex Mayor Paul Soglin to PEEDEE Queen Brenda Konkel the accepted wisdom is "poor people cause crime because they are poor". If you disagree with that you are a racist. Huh? Need a blood pressure lift? Click on the "Konkel" link just above- you can skip another cuppacoffee.
Both of these jewels of conventional wisdom from the never revised "Liberal Book of Wisdom and Guilt" are not true and are just plain insulting. Many of us have been poor and worked our way up to comfortable - some even reach rich. Look at Paul Soglin! He's not exactly playing the Tenor Sax on State street nights to pick up his next property tax payment. (I offered that guy that does honk away 10 bucks last night to stop playing!)
Being poor doesn't mean you will commit a crime. The majority of poor and working poor do not commit crimes. Lay off poor people! They have enough to deal with.
In this state, the majority of poor people are white. So using the Left's own "Bible" that only white people can be racist, the majority of people committing crimes are- yup you guessed it- white guys.
So, how is it racist to say get the criminals off the street and into a nice, warm taxpayer supported bed! Should we be demanding that they get the white guy criminals off the street?" Wouldn't that be a Non PC offense at the very least? ( A misdemeanor in Madison)
So if we want to actually put away the bad "people of pinkness"along with the P.O C., you need a jail big enough to put them in and bad enough to make them NOT want to come back. Like anything else, using a public phone is a priviledge you pay for - even in prison. Don't like the calling rates? Don't come back!
All those that disagree are free to open their homes to the criminal 'Guests" or just drop off phone cards for the legally challenged.
We believe in the merit system. If you do the crime, you do the time. If your crime merits your arrest, trial, conviction and slammer time, you have earned it fair and square.