This article in today's (Aug 18,08) Wall St. Journal opinion page puts a light on Obama's far Left bias against anyone who is a Conservative- in this case Assoc. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. He's bought and sold the line that anyone who is a conservative is obviously 'dumb' since they disagree with their dogma.
When asked last Saturday night at the debate which Supreme court judge they would not have nominated, Obama's reply was Clarence Thomas- not "strong enough jurist or legal thinker " he also named Scalia and Roberts but at least they were smart enough for the job. Thomas is dumb because he is a Conservative or because he is Black or both... Obama?
My take: the whole racial preferences AKA "affirmative action" (the PC version)- is based on liberalthink that Black people are not smart enough to compete with other races so they need racial preference legislation. This is pure BS wrapped up in judicial manure wagons and rulings. Base job hiring, contracts, school entrance on merit not skin color and all can and will compete on a level playing field. Racial preferences have undermined fully earned accomplishments of "minorities" - to me the term itself sets up the victimhood mentality.
Example: you have a life/death operation on yourself or your child/loved one. You need to chose between three "highly educated and qualified surgeons" with comparable experience to do the delicate surgery- An Asian, an African-American and a Caucasian. Which do you choose?
Democrats have been using the dumb label on all Republican Presidential candidates and Presidents for over a hundred years. Reagan was bombarded with dumb jokes for 8 years and Pres. Bush, even though his grades were higher than Sen. Kerry at Yale and ALGORE dropped out of divinity school while Bush earned an MBA from Harvard, has had this same tired label hung on him for the last 10 years.