Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Giuliani: Democrats 'couldn't even utter the word (sic) Islamic Terrorism.' It's our biggest enemy. They couldn't utter it

Linking Terror on the Trail
Republicans Point To Islam, Democrats Take Different Tone
By ELIZABETH HOLMES Wall St. Jrnal October 29, 2007; Page A5

(Note: the link above is to Wall St. Jrnal and is a subscription service, so you may not be able to go to the complete article unless you subscribe.)

A divide is emerging on the presidential campaign trail over battling terrorists: how exactly to label the fight. While Democrats tend to talk about terrorism in general, Republicans increasingly pin the threat directly on Islam.

All the major Republican candidates regularly weave some form of the phrase "Islamic extremism" into their stump speeches. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney has taken the rhetoric to a new level, running a television advertisement about "this century's nightmare, jihadism."

Democratic candidates generally don't emphasize linking Islam and terrorism. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton talks more of "global terrorism," while Sen. Barack Obama refers to "stateless terrorism."

YouTube: Watch Mitt Romney's commercial, (link is) "Jihad.""In four Democratic debates, not a single Democratic candidate said the word 'Islamic terrorism,' " former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani said at a Republican debate. "Now that is taking a political correctness to extremes."

Friday, October 26, 2007

Another Liberal hoax? Garrison Keillor has a Stalker? Are you kidding?

Visualize the gal that is "stalking" this man! Halloween Hoax?

Come on. Get real.

Garrison Keillor, Minnesota's number one Bushhater whose every newspaper column and public--make that taxpayer supported- radio show rarely misses a chance to Bush-bash has a female stalker who wants to seduce him? (Or as his press release says, she described how she will 'make love to him'). Please! Hoax, Hoax, Hoax. (story here and above)

Next will be a person stalking Hillary 'cause she is so Hot!

OOOOOO... those pink pants suits, that chalk board voice, that glass-in- your-mouth personality - who can resist that?

This is another liberal hoax. Like all those campus women's studies profs Kerri Francis Dunn story (here) who claim their cars have hate crime slogans painted upon them. The campus shuts down, they have 'hate awareness' seminars, condemn all conservatives, republicans or simply anyone that doesn't buy their Marxist oppression dogma until........

Until someone comes forward to testify they saw her paint her own car or a black student write racists comments on their own dorm room, and then admits it after being busted by a witness who saw them do it ... etc. etc. etc.

Not long after I wrote this is another campus hoax here.

Definitely a Halloween stunt for Keillor. He must have another book coming out and needs a publicity boost.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Have you hugged an Islamo-fascists Today? A column by Ann Coulter

Photo 10/22/07 UW Madison Horowitz lecture
(Click on photo to enlarge)

Just read Ann Coulter's article here and above. She comments on the Islamo-Fascists Awareness week.

Thanks to the College Republicans at UW-Madison I was able to have dinner and then attend David Horowitz's deeply moving and disturbing lecture at the Memorial Union. The picture above of his opening salvo showing the execution of a young Muslim woman by Taliban Islamo Fascists for being "accused" of sexual impropriety.

Since women can not testify and she was unable to get four men to testify in her defense, she was murdered. These are the people the Left in America protect from being exposed for the murderers they are.

I just left a comment at the link above that covered the event. Mr Horowitz was a far left activist, writer for Ramparts and then because he is an intelligent, caring man he came over to what the Left would call "the dark" side" and we call it the "Right Side", and he now exposes the Left regularly, so he is under a constant threat.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Quiz: Who made these statements?

Who said it? Marx? Lenin? Putin? Castro?
1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good."
2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity."
3) "(We) ...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people."
4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground."
5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed." 6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched."
Answer: Hillary Clinton
Ok, for the truly hard core, here and above is the link to a 14 min. long video about the Peter Paul vs. Hillary lawsuit crawling through the courts in CA. in full stealth mode. He raised $2 mil for her NY Senate campaign in 2000 and she committed several felonies by participating in the fund raisier directly, it is on video tape, and his life has been a living hell since then.
Granted it is one side of the story. Decide for yourself.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Three surefire ways to win the Nobel Peace Prize

A very funny, yet informative article about "How to win a Nobel Peace Prize" ( Three surefire ways) is in the above link and here.

Al Gore is in great company with Yasser Arafat, leader of N. Vietnam during the war and other 'reformed' terrorists. Not bad for putting together a slide show full of mistakes, errors, misleading infomation- gets rich, wins an Oscar and a piece of the Peace Prize.

I think he would make a great Vice Presidential running mate with Hillary....a truly brand new look from the same old, same old politicians!

Islamo-Fascist Awareness Week- David Horowitz at UW Madison

(L) Mike, Mr Horowitz, (Rt).Sara

Thanks to the College Republicans at UW -Madison, we had former Leftie, present day truth teller David Horowitz on campus for a lecture on the threat of the Islamo Fascists to Muslims as well as to Jews, Christians and anyone who is not of a particular brand of Muslim belief.

He began the lecture showing a photo- poster of a Muslim woman about to have her head shot off in Afghanistan by a Taliban execution team. She had been accused, accused only - of a sexual "crime." Under Sharia law a woman can not testify, and four men did not testify in her defense so she was executed. Horowitz also enumerated all of the crimes and murders of Muslims by Muslims. 130 million young girls sexually mutilated, millions killed. In spite of these glaring facts, the usual campus Lefties full of arrogance and empty of knowledge, tried unsuccessfully to disrupt the lecture.

The Left has been in bed with the Islamo Fascists even before the Iraq war began and as Mr. Horowitz pointed out, they would be the first to die if a Islamic world came to being- just as the Marxists who returned to Iran in 79 from U.S. Colleges to join the 'Revolution" were murdered by the Muslims who came to power after President Jimmy Carter abandoned the Shah and allowed the thugs who took over our Embassy to do so for over 400 days.

Yeah, another Nobel prize winner, Jimmy Carter joins the losers ALGORE and Yasser Arafat. The peacemakers!

Supreme Wack Job Kevin Barrett- the 9/11 "Bush did it" publicity whore gave up after a minute of having "A-hole, A-hole" chanted at him by the audience. He was shaken up by that. He is not used to being challenged for his bizarre behavior as the UW hired him to teach a course last year. Your tax dollars at work.

Monday, October 22, 2007

a shout out thanks to

A big Thanks! to for this picture of me and my home made, Kinko assisted sign at the Wed. Oct. 18 "No new Taxes" rally at the Capitol steps.
OK, OK, I will admit it is a vain comment- but don't we all get a kick out of seeing ourselves in an unexpected photo?
Too bad we don't have the audio of the 1,000 state worker paid goons surrounding us who were shouting obscenities at the 400 taxpayers who had the audacity to have a rally to hold the line on taxes!

Rush Limbaugh "phony soldier" smear by Harry Reid letter still being lied about

Left, Sen. Harry Reid, Nevada Right, Rush Limbaugh, Radio Commentator
Majority Leader Democrat Sen.Harry Reid actually attacked a private citizen Rush Limbaugh, on the floor of the senate in early October? and didn't bother to get his facts straight before doing so. Here is the Oct 2nd letter signed by all the el Queada White Flag Democrats- OK not ALL of them - Wisconsin's own highly embarrassing senator Russ Feingold did not sign in.
Rush talked about the 'Phony Soldier' who claimed he was a highly trained combat veteran of the Iraq War. The "soldier" was saying all the things the wingnuts wanted to hear and was a momentary Cindy Sheehan-like celebrity for them.
Truth is the guy had never completed basic training, never served, never been to Iraq - thus a 'phony' soldier. That is what Rush Limbaugh pointed out. NOT that all soldiers who are against the war in the Middle East are "phony soldiers" as Harry Reid and the NY Times and many Main Stream Media claimed Rush had said.
Locally, even Saturday's Wis St Jrnal had the NY times reporting this same "fact" in reporting that Rush had auctioned off the Reid Letter for over 2 Million dollars. Same with the Washington Post on here.
Rush will match that $2 million for a total of over $4 million! and the money goes to the Marine Corps Law Enforcment group that provides college scholarships for the children of Marines and Law Enforcement officers killed in action.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

No More Taxes Rally at the Cap in Madison

Sign above (Lft) says, "Another "Extremist" for No More Taxes.

Above is Mr. BootsandSabres Blogger Owen Robinson whipping up the crowd and far right-Where else?- Is WIBA am in Madison Vicki McKenna and a Porker salute to the Democrats.

Ordinary taxpayers have said 'We are mad as hell and we aren't going to take it anymore. Oct 17 07 Madison, WI. Cap Square at the "No more taxes" rally.

The oddest thing was the 400 or so taxpayers who had traveled from as far away as Hudson, Wi- (4 1/2 hours) were surrounded by hundreds of state union workers who tried to shout down people who were simply asking for a fair deal- no more tax increases.

These are the people who pay the salaries of the state union workers and they took the day off with taxpayer funded pay to come to the rally and scream at them! Bite the hand that feeds you?

The main speaker for the rally actually took time to thank the firefighters for their dedication to duty. Unfortunately, few of the firefighters heard the compliment as they were too busy screaming at the lousy taxpayers who had the audacity to demonstrate.

I retired from the UW-Madison so I was a state worker too, and I was ashamed to be one today.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Rep Tammy Baldwin defending's attack on Gen. Petraeus BEFORE he testified

Tammy Baldwin with one of her special interest groups

This is an excerpt from a letter from Wis. Rep Tammy Baldwin sent to "Mrs. J" in Wisconsin when she asked why Baldwin did not condemn for attacking war hero four star Gen. Petraeus even before he testified before congress on the progress of the "surge" in Iraq. Mrs. J's real identity has been removed, but the letter is real.

Mrs. J. , (name, address deleted by me) Wisconsin

Dear Mrs. J,

Thank you for contacting me about the advertisement that placed in The New York Times regarding General David Petraeus.

As you are aware, in September, on the day that General Petraeus appeared before Congress to testify on the war and Iraq and war against rapid redeployment of U.S. Armed Forces from Iraq, placed a full-page advertisement in The New York Times with the headline "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?"

The advertisement stated that Gen. Petraeus was "constantly at war with the facts," and drew widespread criticism from Congressional Republicans and some Democrats. The Senate passed a resolution condemning personal attacks on the honor and integrity of General Petraeus on September 20, 2007, and the House followed suit on September 26, 2007 when a measure to recommit was offered to H.J.Res. 52, a resolution making continuing appropriations for the fiscal year 2008.

The motion to recommit both recognized the service of General Petraeus and condemed "in the strongest possible terms the personal attacks made by the advocacy group impugning the integrity and professionalism of General David H.Petraeus."

I voted against this measure, which passed the House by a vote of 341 to 79. I opposed the measure to recommit because I believe that it too closely impinged on each individual's and organization's constitutionally-granted First Amendment right to free speech. (bold added)

Additionally, at a time when the United States is engaged in a war with seemingly no end in sight, which is exacerbating the terrorist threat against our nation, and at a time when the government has failed to pass appropriations bills to fund vital federal and international programs through both Houses of Congress, measures like the motion to recommit represent and improper an non- productive use of time.

In other words spending money is more important than respecting a soldier who has put his life on the line for her freedom to embrace the hatemongers and their web site funded by Geo. Soros- besides Soros gives her lots of money too.
HMMM...How did she vote on Harry Reid's bill of condemnation of Rush Limbaugh for pointing out the "False Soldier" was just that- a guy pretending to be a soldier who never made it through basic training?

Explain please how killing off, jailing and neutralizing terrorist in Iraq is
"exacerbating the terrorist threat to our nation"?

The first opportunity to actually vote to bring the troops home now in Congress was Nov. 19, 2005 offered by Rep John Murtha. Both Baldwin and Murtha voted against it.
Baldwin owns the distinction of being one of the least effective members in Congress. Wisconsin deserves better.

Again, thank you for sharing your views. Your opinion matters to me. If I can be of service to you in any other way, please do not hesitate to let me know. Sincerely,

Tammy Baldwin, Member of Congress

Hillary, "I'm OK with Blood for Oil in Iran"

Best of the Web Today - October 15, 2007
Blood for Oil- Yep! (Good today only!!)
By JAMES TARANTO (Wall St. Journal)

Mrs. Blood for Oil Consider the following reasons why America might consider military action against Iran:

To save Israel from nuclear annihilation.
To prevent a nuclear arms race between Iran and neighboring Arab regimes.
To keep Iran's mullahs from acquiring a nuclear deterrent, which would give them leverage in Iraq and make it easier for them to wage terror elsewhere with impunity.
To topple Tehran's repressive, theocratic regime.
To protect America's oil supplies.

What if we told you one of the presidential candidates accepted the last rationale--blood for oil!--but rejected arguments for war based on concerns about human rights or nuclear proliferation?

Based on the media stereotypes, you'd probably think Dick Cheney had thrown his hat in. The Associated Press has the real story from Florence, S.C.:
Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton advocated talks to settle differences with Iran but said Saturday that Tehran would invite U.S. action if it were to disrupt oil supplies.

"I will make it very clear to the Iranians that there are very serious consequences attached to their actions," Clinton said. . . .
The New York senator, responding to a question, said blocking oil shipments "would be devastating to the world economy."
If the U.S. took military action as a result, she said, "I would hope that the world would see that was an action of last resort, not first resort. Because we need the world to agree with us about the threat that Iran poses to everyone."

Clinton said that is why, as president, she "would immediately open a diplomatic negotiation with Iran over all issues that we disagree with them on."

Friday, October 12, 2007

Sandy Berger's Unwarranted Authority video: Sandy Burglar is now on Hillary's payroll

Former National Security Adviser Sandy Berger is shown leaving federal court Thu, Sept. 8, 2005 in Washington in this file photo. A judge had ordered Sandy Berger, President Clinton's national security adviser, to pay a $50,000 fine for illegally taking classified documents from the National Archives. Berger is now an adviser to Hillary Clinton.

Wall St Journal has an interesting little 3 1/2 min video about Sandy Burger- AKA Burglar of documents by stuffing them into his pants and socks just before his testimony before the 911 commission. He eventually pleaded guilty to stealing classified documents from the National Archives in 2005. Now he will be paid to advise Hillary?

Note: the video link would not load here, so the link above should take you to the Wall St Journal site, there will be a 15 second ad and intro and then the "Sandy Berger's unwarranted Authority"

Code "Commie" Pink attacks a Marine Officer recruiting office

Code Pink group vandalized Marine Officer recruiting Office in Berkeley, CA. 9/26/07. Writes, "Traitor" on the door and "Assassination" on sign board.

Marine Captain Richard Lund wrote this reply to Code Pink's mindless attack on his office in Berkeley. CA. on Wed. Sept. 26, 07. He recruits college grads or college students for the Marine Officer Corps. The link above is the letter he wrote to the newspaper - "The Daily Planet"
Why is it not odd that Clark Kent's newspaper namesake is in San Fran?

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The curse of Bill Clinton's Sax acts- Part II

Bill Clinton having Sax- and badly at that!

Officials Detail ContentsOf Hsu's Seized Mementos
The Wall Street Journal

By IANTHE JEANNE DUGANOctober 12, 2007; Page A7

(note: Link above is to WAll St Jrnal which is a paid subscription- it may not take you to the full print story)
Among the items in Norman Hsu's personal collection of Clinton memorabilia: CDs of presentations made by Hillary Clinton as well as an envelope of thank-you notes from the Democratic presidential front-runner.
He Norman Hsu ( Shoe) dropped mega bucks on Hill's campaign- guess she will call for " more campaign finance laws" to stop this 'outrage' or the other pat answer: taxpayers should be paying for my campaign and coronation- AKA "public financing"

• See a list of the items seized and a seizure warrant.
Those items were on a list released yesterday of things seized from Mr. Hsu's Manhattan apartment by federal agents, who last month charged the businessman with fraud.

The contents were revealed the day after the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York said it found a saxophone signed by Bill Clinton and about 200 bottles of fine wine and Champagne. The Red Cross said Mr. Hsu purchased the instrument at auction for $26,000 at an event for the group attended by both men in October 2005.

The prosecutors' inventory of seized items provided a glimpse into Mr. Hsu's life. In September, the U.S. attorney in New York charged Mr. Hsu with running a Ponzi scheme that allegedly cost his investors $60 million. He was also charged with pressuring investors to donate to candidates, and reimbursing some, which is illegal. Mr. Hsu has said he didn't reimburse people for donations. He is being held in California on a separate, 16-year-old grand-theft charge also involving an alleged Ponzi scheme.

His lawyers have said he isn't guilty of any wrongdoing.
And O.J. is still hunting down the culprit that murdered his wife and Ron Goldman.

Bad Sax with Bill Clinton Part I Hsu caught red handed with Bill Clinton's SAXOPHONE

At Hsu's Apartment, Federal Agents Seize Saxophone, Wine

Wall ST. Jrnal By IANTHE JEANNE DUGAN October 11, 2007; Page A18

Federal agents searching the Manhattan apartment of Democratic fund-raiser Norman Hsu this week seized a saxophone autographed by President Clinton, along with about 200 bottles of fine wine and Champagne.

Mr. Hsu (pronounced Shoe) purchased the instrument at an auction for $26,000 in October 2005, according to a representative of the American Red Cross. The auction was held during the centennial celebration for the charity's New York chapter, where the former president was also honored.

(Shoe baby, you paid $20,000 too much and I hope you wiped off the mouthpiece! Maybe the Red Cross gave it a alcohol wipe before passing it on?)

E.M. Winston, the maker of the saxophone, donated the instrument. And President Clinton, who attended the event, signed it. Mr. Clinton owns an E.M. Winston saxophone that was given to him by the late David Ginott, the company's president.

The saxophone purchase was part of an embrace of the Clintons that acquaintances said Mr. Hsu liked to display. He had a collection of photos on exhibit in his apartment, as he rose quickly to become a top supporter of Hillary Clinton and other Democrats, ultimately raising more than $1 million.

Monday, October 08, 2007

Michael Barone: Ivory Tower Decay. Where did speech codes come from?

Thanks to Wendy for asking me to read Michael Barone's story of the Ivory Tower Decay please click on link above. To answer his question: " Where did speech codes come from?" The answer at UW - Madison is: Donna Shalala.

To Michael Barone-where have you been? This story is about 10 years behind the times. But we are grateful that a Mainstream press guy is on it now - and thanks for that!

Over 90 % of Profs on this campus are Democrats, about 5% are Greens and the rest still think Socialism and Communism are cool and Marx has just not been applied correctly....and could work out really well if they ran it.

It took two runs at the federal court to get rid of the student speech codes she (La Donna) instituted- with the full submissive support of the Faculty Senate - and another 10 years to finally weaken the faculty speech codes.

One of her great token "hires" Paul Barrows known mostly for sexually harassing female grad students and collecting a fat check for doing nada has finally been terminated.....OK ...not fired like the real world....that means at a University they give someone a big dollop of taxpayers money to go away.

Bycotting CITGO. Decide for yourself: see Snopes link here

Cindy (No, I haven't bought the gravestone for my son yet- too busy) Sheehan and Hugo (CITGO to Hell America) Chavez. They deserve each other.

Some of CITGO's American outlets are in the process of changing their station's name to PETRO EXPRESS due to the loss of gasoline sales in the USA due to the recent publicity of ownership and control by the power hungry little dictator, Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

Every dollar you spend with CITGO or PETRO EXPRESS gasoline will be used against you, your basic human rights, and your freedoms. Chavez is winning over the Anti-American, Anti- Military, Anti-Bush, Anti-Victory Left in the US by selling his oil at discount prices in Mass., other states and on Indian reservations. (Such a nice boy!)

The Bushaters are urging their Borgs to "Buy Citgo".

I wonder what the reaction would have been during WWI or II if a small noisy percent of our population had urged Americans to BUY KRUPP (now Audi) or VW still VW* or WWI to boycott French wine for fighting the Germans.

* Recall that 'the people's car" 'Folks Wagon' was an order by Hitler to Mr. Porsche to develop a car that would go "50 miles (50 kilometers, more accurately) an hour, hold 5 Volks, and get 50 K. to the gallon." He came pretty close with the VW.

Most Americans are unaware that much of the goods manufactured in Communist China- there's a term you no longer see used in our P.C. papers- are owned, staffed, managed and profits got to the Red Chinese Army- another term no longer in use- even though it is still true.

The profits are used to build a larger, modernized Armed Forces with technology either stolen from us or given freely during the Clinton Administration (multiple war head missle technology, advanced computer missle control technology).

But we continue to buy COMMIE!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Robert Tracinski: 50th Anniversary of Ayn Rand's ATLAS SHRUGGED

Robert Tracinski from Real Clear thanks for a real clear picture of Ayn Rand. Excerpts below, Link above will take you to his complete article.

Thanks to Adrian for sending this on to me.
Guilty confession No. one: I have yet to read Atlas Shrugged written by Ayn Rand and published 50 years ago on Oct 10th.
(Arrggh- very embarrassing to admit that.)
I hereby promise I will read it before Christmas 07!

Excerpts from Mr. Tracsinski's article follow:

Throughout most of mankind's history, moralists have warned that individuals driven by "greed" and left free to pursue their self-interest would plunge society into a destructive war of all against all, a system of brutality, plunder, and exploitation--precisely the qualities Marx projected onto the new capitalist system.

Instead, capitalism produced a system of freedom, independence, prosperity, and super-abundant creative energy--while the societies most thoroughly dedicated to the sacrifice of the individual to the collective, the 20th century's Communist regimes, were guilty of the greatest crimes ever recorded.

(An estimated 100 million people murdered-USSR, China, N.Korea, Cuba,
E. Germany, etc etc..)

The lessons of this history were not lost on Ayn Rand, who had escaped from the Soviet Union to America in the 1920s, experiencing in a brief span the most complete contrast between opposing social systems. As her own answer to altruism, Ayn Rand offered a morality of self-interest in which the individual's central moral goal is the pursuit of his own happiness:

"For centuries, the battle of morality was fought between those who claimed that your life belongs to God and those who claimed that it belongs to your neighbors--between those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of ghosts in heaven and those who preached that the good is self-sacrifice for the sake of incompetents on earth. And no one came to say that your life belongs to you and that the good is to live it."

Yet what is radical about this idea is not merely Ayn Rand's defense of self-interest but her redefinition of the moral meaning of selfishness.

Most intellectuals have accepted the old altruist caricature of self-interest as brute criminality, as if the only choice we face is between forms of sacrifice: sacrificing ourselves for the sake of others or sacrificing others to ourselves.

(Take any American History course in College and nearly all Profs. and all texts will hammer Carnegie, JP Morgan, Rockefeller, etc as Robber Barons. No Profs. I had ever pointed out the millions of people who worked for them had a much higher standard of living than those that didn't work for a "Robber Barron" and there were hundreds of people competing to get hired by one of those awful Barrons.)

Yet this caricature is thoroughly refuted by the history of capitalism. The philosophy of altruism gives us a choice between two moral models: Mother Theresa or Al Capone. Yet where is the room in this philosophy for a Bill Gates, a Thomas Edison, or any of the thousands of other figures who populate the history of capitalism, building their own fortunes through the creation of new ideas and products?

For the first time, Ayn Rand recognized the reality and significance of these men and drew a profound moral lesson: that genuine self-interest means, not the short-range conniving of the brute, but the creative thought and productive effort of the entrepreneur.

Ayn Rand's detractors sometimes dismiss her novels as "unrealistic," but it is today's mainstream intellectuals who frequently seem as if they are wandering around in a fog of unreality, missing the monumental lessons of two centuries of history.

The era of encroaching global socialism has since given way to an era of global capitalism, which is beginning to transform the lives of billions of people across the globe, from Eastern Europe to India to China. But there is no one to help them understand what capitalism is, its deepest personal meaning for their lives and values, and why it is good.

No one, that is, except Ayn Rand. And that is why Atlas Shrugged is even more relevant and necessary today than it was when it was first published five decades ago.

Robert Tracinski writes daily commentary at He is the editor of The Intellectual Activist and

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Democrats At The Trough: Spotlight on Earmark Abuse

I guess Speaker Pelosi's REFORMS from the Left side of the aisle were to make Pork Barrel Projects fully greased and secret for rapid stealth passage with just a hint of bacon grease still in the House the next morning. Add David Obey another Congressman from Wisconsin we can all feel embarassed about. FeinGold, Kohl, Baldwin, Obey - Democrats all representing roughly 2% of us.... Do we eat too much Cheese here? Time to clean House?

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

House Dems Stall Iraq funding: Or, "I don't support the troops and I hate Bush part 126"

Hmmm...Russ ( Feingold, Herb ( Ah... What?, who said that, where am I? What's the score?) Kohl, Tammy (I am going to get something done next year....or the year after really- I am checking with my California Dec. or Feb.) Baldwin and David ( I hate Bush too, look at me, look at me!) Obey..... Never before have so few done so little for so many who vote for them for so long even if the clowns who "represent" do so much damage. (Apology to Sir Winston Churchill) House Democrats Move To Stall Iraq Funding (Please note: the link above may not function as I believe the Wall St Journal is a subscription Web site) By DAVID ROGERS October 3, 2007; Page A6 Wall ST. Jrnal • The News: House Democrats said they would stall action on President Bush's war budget in hopes of breaking a stalemate over policy. • The Background: The Pentagon is seeking almost $190 billion to fund operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. • The Bottom Line: By taking this stand, Democrats are significantly escalating their conflict with the Bush administration. The chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, David Obey (D., Wisconsin), can effectively block House floor action by not moving a bill funding the Pentagon's request out of his committee. "I have absolutely no intention of reporting out...any such request that simply serves to continue the status quo," said Mr. Obey. ( I am arrogant..... hear me whine) House rules permit Republicans and prowar Democrats to try to go around Mr. Obey and force action on spending. But the chairman's stand, blessed by Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.), represents a significant escalation of the conflict with the administration. Ah yes, the Democrats in full coordination to "change direction" in Iraq....White Flag Democrats on parade- all from Wisconsin- we deserve better.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


For all those who really want to vote for Hillary but still remember all the things she did...