Saturday, April 05, 2008

John Fund explains why "Loop hole Louie" lost the Supreme Court Election.The Wall St Jrnal 040508

Hoo-ray for John Fund of the Wall ST. Journal and this article in the 4/5/08 paper! (Wisconsin's Judicial Revolution)
After reading in the Wis. State Journal and soon to be defunct Cap. Times about how "stupid and uninformed" the voters of Wisconsin are for daring to elect a strict constitutional constructionist in Judge Gableman last Tuesday, Mr Fund's article was a breathe of fresh, fact filled and wonderfully truthful air.

The Liberal whining has been deafening in the letters to the editors as well as the editorials calling for "merit" selection of Supreme Court Judges - That "Merit" as defined by trial lawyers and Government appointed "experts" instead of elected by the "dumb voters"- that is anyone who is not a Liberal.

Mr Fund lays out the many examples of "Loophole Louie" trying to legislate new rights for criminals and going for the "deep pocket" paint companies even if you can't prove their product is at fault -pretty much the basis of our judicial system for the last 600 years in England and America.

Justice WAS served by bouncing this hack, Butler out of the Supreme Court.

Next up? Chief Justice Shirley Abramhamson. The trial lawyers, Indian Casino owners, Teacher and Government Unions are shaking down their members now to try to short circuit the voters in that election,
Bye Bye Shirley.....Enjoy your forced retirement!

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