Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama: Just another arrogant Liberal without the polish of ....Hillary?

This article by John Fund (Wall ST. Journal) points out the many arrogant remarks by Barack Obama. I went to the library and got a copy of Obama's first autobiograhphical book, Dreams from my Father 1995 reissued in 2004.
He is not a bad writer. He was just as arrogant in 1995. I got the book after reading Ann Coulter's "review" of his book. So far she has been accurate in her assessment. And that assessment is DEADLY.

Full disclosure: I'm not a fan of Obama in any way.
As I read his book there is no explanation for how his family was able to afford to get him into the top private prep school in Hawaii, or the money to send him to a private College near Pasadena, CA. Or how they could afford to send him to Harvard Law school. He just skips over the details and spins an admittedly more interesting tale than I thought he would.

In the first 187 pages, (the large print edition was first available, so page 25 pages of regular size type? I keed, i keed) it's all about the odd relationship and manners of his father, orginally from Kenya. He was one of the first Africans to be given scholarhips by U.S. government to attend the U of Hawaii and he was brilliant and driven to succeed.
After graduation he just disappears from his wife and child. Obama has yet to explain anything more than that. Just skips ahead to 'now I am in NYC'. He talks about his white mother, after divorcing his Dad she marries another guy LoLo from Indonesia, then dumps him after having a sister for Obama to, so far ignore then she is off to travel the world...
His white grandparents raised him during upper grades and HS in Hawaii. You don't really have a clue about them as people, other than his Grandpa was (my opinion) a dreamer, a boozer, a failed man and his grandma comes across as the one solid earner and common sense person in the family.
Though now that she is safely dead, Obama tossed her under the bus with his "typical white woman" comment. I read on......

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