Sunday, August 02, 2009

Penn and Teller meet Dr Borlaug Another New Dark Ages tale: Non organic farming vs organic

Penn and Teller and Dr. Borlaug on the same page?

DR. Norman E. Borlaug 1970 Nobel Peace Prize for contributions to the world food supply. The New DARK AGES: Part II I read Dr. Borlaug's article "Farmers Can Feed the World" Better seeds and fertilizers, not romantic myths, will let them do it. In Friday's Wall St. Journal Opinion Section 7/31/09. He points out organic food is OK for those who can afford the luxury of it, but with 25,000 people a day starving from malnutrition, it is not the solution to world hunger- better tools for farming is. The "New Dark Agers" are slowing scientific progress and worse yet, not allowing science to increase crop outputs. Especially in Wheat and Rice are lagging in productivity gains due to superstition and plain lack of research, development and implementation of better farming methods worldwide.
It brought back a theme I have written on before- "The New Dark Ages" Part 1 we have been enduring for the last 20 years (or more) in the USA. Corn for fuel, parents who won't get shots for their kids, the religion of global warming and climate change (it can only get WORSE!) never better and "PEAK OIL" we are running out of OIL!!! If it can not be proved, but can be put into a computer to kick out junk science- see Inconvenient Al GORE- people sign on for the New Dark Ages and wallow in the "CRISIS!
This superb, no nonsense article was humorously underlined by seeing a TV Show on Showtime called "Penn and Tellers, B.S.! Organic foods and farming" Using the "last supper" as a jumping off point to present the organic devotees vs. scientific knowledge of crops, nutrition, herbicides and pesticides used in non organic or scientific farming vs. "Organic" farming methods.
Even the most devoted organic devotees on camera not only could not identify Organic vs Scientific products in 70 % of the cases they chose the evil "corporate" veggies over the organic in blind taste tests. The nutritional content also shows that scientific farming produces better crops, at less cost, on fewer acres with safer pest and herbicides than organic farming with consistent nutritional content above the organic produce. One of the scientists mentioned that if the world went to all organic farming there is not enough land to do it and 2 billion people would starve to death.
The final test of Penn & Teller was taking a standard non organic banana cutting it in half and telling the on camera people one half was organic the other not. They "chose" the organic labelled banana over the non organic and raved how much sweeter and better tasting it was. When it was revealed it was simply two parts of the same non organic banana they were dumbfounded but stuck to the New Dark Ages "truths" that 'organic' is better! Is that where the term, "dumbfounded" came from?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

How about a National conversation on racial hoaxes?

Officer James Crawley
Did you see these photos of Prof Gates in the newspapers? NO? me either! Only on the first day or so did we see these- after that only "Nice Prof picts" "bad cop" picts
Ann Coulter's latest article on Obama's "stupid cop" comment is actually pretty tame for her.
Full disclosure: I think Pres. Obama is an empty suit who is in way over his head and does not have a clue about leadership and is still in campaign mode- repeating his campaign slogans 6 months after gaining the presidency. He ran as a conservative democrat or an old fashioned democrat and a 60's radical combination- "end the war in Iraq, tax cuts for 95% of the population, screw the rich, change the world and I am cool."
The whole "let's have a beer" to me smacks of his condescending to a blue collar cop- who obviously could not have a more refined taste than beer whereas he and his refined friend Prof. Gates are so refined they must speak slowly and drink lowly beer with the commoner.
The Prof. and the President owe the officer an apology.... period.
He was the only responsible adult simply doing his job. Finally, I note that over the last week or so nearly every picture in the paper of the Prof is his head shot from Harvard and the one of Officer Crawley is a contorted one. The "thousand words" of the picture say, "mean cop" "nice professor" above are the photos they should have used of the angry professor. Whole different look.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

ANN COULTER On "Forgetting" Sarah Palin

Gov. Palin visited her N.G troops 6/26/09 CW4!
Ann Coulter's latest column had me belly laughing.
Would love to invite her to speak at UW-Madison-what a show that would be!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama: "I have no idea what I'm doing, but TRUST ME!"

This article in yesterday's Wall St. Journal by Karl Rove-hit me in immediately because I have been observing the same thing- Team Obama is faking it and making it up as they go along. Problem is when you are dropping a trillion $ here a trillion $ there on the kid's Credit Card, you are talking some serious cash and painful long term problems.
They have no idea how to govern, only how to run for office. The Clinton legacy lives on along with "I did not have sex with that woman....(fill in any of 40 to 50 known names here.)
Remember that quote about those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it?
LBJ and the Dem controlled Congress spent 6 Trillion dollars on the "war on poverty" over a decade creating ACORN a tax supported Leftist only arm for the democrat party and a whole lot of dependent slackers- but little else.
FDR managed to extend the Depression from 1933 to 1940 with the spend now, pay later government deficit spending that didn't work. Now comes the Obamanation crew saying, "they just didn't spend enough" and they certainly cannot be accused of that now.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Happy 200th Birthday ABE!

Mr. President, you are no Abe Lincoln
I had a letter to the editor of Wisconsin State Journal published on Jan 18, 2009. My submitted headline was:
Lincoln: Save the Union!
Obama: Save the Unions!
They softened it in my opinion, with the headline, "Saving the union, or unions?" but who's complaining? (me).
After seeing the Pork barrel spending today, Lincoln's B-day, of the "stimulus" bill to retain mostly union only jobs- Government construction, teachers, state, federal workers, firefighters, police and hiring 600,000 new federal workers, I may have underestimated Pres. Obama. He and the truly professional spenders A.K.A.: Democrats are now showing just how much they can spend on pork. Truly breath taking! Only about 12% will go towards infrastructure rebuilding and very little will be infused into the economy in 2009.
The three RINO* Senators from the N.E. who, 'just want to be loved' Sen. Collins, etc. who joined in the Democrat hogfest need to be taken down on their next election. The reason Republicans lost heavily in the last election is they, in their amateurish way, tried to spend like democrats and did pretty well- enough to get them unelected at least!
I need to stop now and work on my "NO BAIL OUT" bumper sticker like my buddy Adrian has on his car!
* Republican In Name Only

Sunday, February 01, 2009

A 'RUSH' to judgement of the Magnus PORKUS "stimulus" plan

I'm back! Lost the habit for several months and decided to fire up my blog in 2009.
But now with Democrats in charge at the County Board, State of Wisconsin Legislature and Governor's office, both houses of Congress and the President's many opportunities for lampooning the LEFT can not be ignored! The guy who has been poking more Democrats in the eye more times and for over 20 million listeners than anyone else has is RUSH LIMBAUGH!
This editorial in 1/29/09 Wall Street Journal "My Bipartisan Stimulus" is worth reading. (The WSJ is a subcription site but I believe it should be good for at least a week- besides I think I am the only one writing or reading this!)
Funny how the simple recipe from Rush makes far more sense than the complex, confusing and confused "Save the Unions" pork projects that every democrat has tacked onto the so called Stimulus bill does.