It brought back a theme I have written on before- "The New Dark Ages" Part 1 we have been enduring for the last 20 years (or more) in the USA. Corn for fuel, parents who won't get shots for their kids, the religion of global warming and climate change (it can only get WORSE!) never better and "PEAK OIL" we are running out of OIL!!! If it can not be proved, but can be put into a computer to kick out junk science- see Inconvenient Al GORE- people sign on for the New Dark Ages and wallow in the "CRISIS!
This superb, no nonsense article was humorously underlined by seeing a TV Show on Showtime called "Penn and Tellers, B.S.! Organic foods and farming" Using the "last supper" as a jumping off point to present the organic devotees vs. scientific knowledge of crops, nutrition, herbicides and pesticides used in non organic or scientific farming vs. "Organic" farming methods.
Even the most devoted organic devotees on camera not only could not identify Organic vs Scientific products in 70 % of the cases they chose the evil "corporate" veggies over the organic in blind taste tests. The nutritional content also shows that scientific farming produces better crops, at less cost, on fewer acres with safer pest and herbicides than organic farming with consistent nutritional content above the organic produce. One of the scientists mentioned that if the world went to all organic farming there is not enough land to do it and 2 billion people would starve to death.
The final test of Penn & Teller was taking a standard non organic banana cutting it in half and telling the on camera people one half was organic the other not. They "chose" the organic labelled banana over the non organic and raved how much sweeter and better tasting it was. When it was revealed it was simply two parts of the same non organic banana they were dumbfounded but stuck to the New Dark Ages "truths" that 'organic' is better! Is that where the term, "dumbfounded" came from?