Thursday, February 19, 2009

Obama: "I have no idea what I'm doing, but TRUST ME!"

This article in yesterday's Wall St. Journal by Karl Rove-hit me in immediately because I have been observing the same thing- Team Obama is faking it and making it up as they go along. Problem is when you are dropping a trillion $ here a trillion $ there on the kid's Credit Card, you are talking some serious cash and painful long term problems.
They have no idea how to govern, only how to run for office. The Clinton legacy lives on along with "I did not have sex with that woman....(fill in any of 40 to 50 known names here.)
Remember that quote about those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it?
LBJ and the Dem controlled Congress spent 6 Trillion dollars on the "war on poverty" over a decade creating ACORN a tax supported Leftist only arm for the democrat party and a whole lot of dependent slackers- but little else.
FDR managed to extend the Depression from 1933 to 1940 with the spend now, pay later government deficit spending that didn't work. Now comes the Obamanation crew saying, "they just didn't spend enough" and they certainly cannot be accused of that now.

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