Sunday, April 01, 2007

LEST we Forget....the Left wing of the Democrat Party has..

Lest we forget......please click on the link above.

Earl C. Johnson, survivor of 9/11 who escaped the N. tower that day on the War on Terror: "Have the people who murdered 3,000 innocent civilians on 9/11 changed their minds?" Please see his new book, "StairWELL to Heaven.

All the leading Democrats are falling over themselves to see who can Cut and Run the fastest in Iraq. "out by Sept 08" No "out by March 08"," No wait..... I can beat that" (Especially Wisconsin's own embarrassment, Sen. Russ Finegold, who appears have taken over Rep. Murtha's cynical and traitorous "slow bleed" of our troops Iraq policy completely.)

Now that they are in charge, they are living up to what Sen. Ted Kennedy called recently their finest hour - when the Democrat controlled House and Senate in 1975 cut all aid - military, humanitarian, ALL aid to South Vietnam AFTER our troops had left. Remember the helicopter lifting off the apartment roof (not the U.S. Embassy) in Vietnam? The war was lost at home not by our soldiers.

The NEW! Improved! Democrats now want to Cut all funding before the troops are out of harm's way. These are the same people we call "the Troops, BUTheads" as in "I support the troops, BUT" and then spew their hatred for all things Bush, military, and American.

They never speak of the three million people who were slaughtered in Laos, Cambodia (Killing Fields) and S. Vietnam after that Chopper Cut and Run. They continue to live up to "The Democratic Party, Helping America's enemies since Vietnam" bumper sticker.

1 comment:


Please answer the following questions by filling in the blanks.

1. If the Democrats have their way with a forced pull out of American forces, the streets of _____________ will safer.

2. Human life is only important if the subject of the loss is your _______________, ie. brother, sister, etc.

3. Rome fell from within and the United States of America will suffer the same fate if the Extremist liberal Democrats don't realize that they are drinking from the same slime hole of ________________ pseudo knowledge or are too self indulged to care about the harm they are causing.