Monday, April 30, 2007

Outdoing Kevin Barrett 911 conspiracy man at UW

Friend of mine at the UW-Madison penned this take off on the 9/11 conspiracy wackos led by Kevin Barrett a part time instructor and full time wack. Dear Editor, After reading "Crash Melts Freeway" and looking at the evidence presented, I'm convinced that this was an inside job. There's no way that one truck carrying gasoline could have created the temperatures needed to melt a highway! Engineering friends of mine will testify that explosive charges were placed beneath the bridge to make it appear accidental. We all know that cars have been perceived by the leaders of California as the 'axles of evil' and these leaders have long looked for a way to rid CA of pollution and lead people into using mass transportation. By the way, the Lieutenant Governor of California was in the Governator's bunker orchestrating this attack. If you think you can handle the truth visit: Jim

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